Tuesday, 18 December 2012

18/12/2012 James O'Brien Show - RSPCA and Foxhunters, Wind Turbines, Reading

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1

  • James is flabbergasted that the RSPCA has spent £330 000 prosecuting foxhunters in David Cameron's constituency (as The Guardian would like us to refer to it) and secured a prosecution that resulted in a £6800 fine plus costs.
  • James wants people who think this was money well spent when there are animals that could have done with the money.
  • As usual, "animal lovers" call in to claim that this is a victory and they'll up their contributions to RSPCA to help their coffers. 
Hour 2
  • Wind turbines.  James finds them aesthetically pleasing and would like people who object to them to call in and explain their objections.
  • Midway though the hour it emerges that UKIP is opposed to the idea because Europe told us to do it.
  • People with big brains call in to essentially say that it's still an emerging technology that should be explored, but commensurately. (At least that's what I understood. These were very learnered people with posh accents)
Hour 3

Monday, 17 December 2012

17/12/2012 James O'Brien Show - Americans and guns, Parental dislike, Plebgate

Credit:  Robert Kriegseis ‏@wb9vgo

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1

Hour 2
  • More calls about guns
  • A documentary claims that Queen Victoria didn't like her children very much.  James wants to know what it's like to be a parent who doesn't like their children or vice versa. 
Hour 3
  • More parenting calls
  • James proves, once again, that he's a cut above the rest when he handles a call from Louise, a despondent caller  There'll be a clip here later.

  • Plebgate: James thinks the police officer who was on the receiving end of Andrew Mitchell's alleged abuse should be punished.
  • In closing, James thanks us all for the messages of condolences for his dad's passing last week.

Thursday, 13 December 2012

New No Pressure To Be Funny Podcast

Seeing as we won't have Mystery Hour this week, here's the latest No Pressure To Be Funny podcast that was recorded on Sunday, the 9th December.

Along with the co-creators of No Pressure to be funny, Alistair Barrie and Nick Revell, James welcomed guests Robin Ince, Matthew Norman, Sara Pascoe, Pete Johansson and James Sherwood punctuated the proceedings with hilarious music.  They cover everything from the Royal prank call to happiness.  And you get to hear James say naughty words.

You can listen to previous episodes here

Monday, 10 December 2012

10/12/2012 James O'Brien Show - Decriminalising Drugs, Gay Children, Australian Prankers

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1

Hour 2
  • Following David Davies' claim that most parents don't want their children to be gay, James explores the Conservatives' (and their mousy wives) fascination with homosexuality.
  • James agrees and then invites callers opinions and experiences.

Hour 3

Cultural References

The film about drugs narrated by Morgan Freeman

The phone call by Australian DJs Mel Greig and Michael Christian of 2Day FM the whole world is talking about.

Friday, 7 December 2012

07/12/2012 James O'Brien Show - Child Maintenance, NHS, Leftover Food

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1

Hour 2
  • James is suspicious of the government's rhetoric around the NHS and after going into one of his Marxist monologues before contending that a lot of people who darken the door of A & E have no business being there.  He then invites callers who have personal experience in A & E and they call in in droves.
Hour 3
  • After being mugged off his £2.50 at a posh toy shop yesterday, James invites calls from people who have also been duped by unscrupulous merchants in the past.
  • A government minister has urged celebrity chefs to give us leftover menus to cut food waste.  James invites callers to persuade him that he's not a bad person for not being keen on leftovers for dinner.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Mystery Hour Podcast 06/12/2012

Here's today's Mystery Hour Podcast

Questions are under Hour 3 of today's show

06/12/2012 James O'Brien Show - Autumn Statement, Alternative Medicine, Mystery Hour

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)
Hour 1
  • After yesterday's Autumn Statement, James wants to knowa what the phrase "we're all in this together" actually means.
Hour 2
Hour 3

There's a free podcast for this hour
  • What key is the Big Ben bell and does it change when weather conditions change?
  • If Prince William were to adopt a child, would they have a claim to the throne?
  • What are the origins of the domesticated Christmas tree?
  • Why does garlic smell so bad the day after consuming it?
  • Why do we close one eye when we look down
  • Why do we talk about a "round of toast"?
  • Why is it that tight, curly hair confined to people of colour?
  • Why is "salary" also called "wages"?
  • National lottery numbers - do they come up during a rehearsal? 
  • What are the origins of "cold turkey"?
  • Why is there always that one "rogue" nasal hair that looks nothing like the others?