Tuesday, 18 December 2012

18/12/2012 James O'Brien Show - RSPCA and Foxhunters, Wind Turbines, Reading

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1

  • James is flabbergasted that the RSPCA has spent £330 000 prosecuting foxhunters in David Cameron's constituency (as The Guardian would like us to refer to it) and secured a prosecution that resulted in a £6800 fine plus costs.
  • James wants people who think this was money well spent when there are animals that could have done with the money.
  • As usual, "animal lovers" call in to claim that this is a victory and they'll up their contributions to RSPCA to help their coffers. 
Hour 2
  • Wind turbines.  James finds them aesthetically pleasing and would like people who object to them to call in and explain their objections.
  • Midway though the hour it emerges that UKIP is opposed to the idea because Europe told us to do it.
  • People with big brains call in to essentially say that it's still an emerging technology that should be explored, but commensurately. (At least that's what I understood. These were very learnered people with posh accents)
Hour 3

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