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Hour 1
- The Sgt Danny Nightingale story
- Should a soldier go to prison for possessing a firearm?
Hour 2
- After the tragic events in Gaza overnight, James braves the treacherous waters that is the Middle East politics.
- The origins of snod
- Shortsightedness - does it ever get reversed?
- Why do patients not bleed when they're being cut open in surgery?
- Lieutenant, why do Americans pronounce it differently?
- Do colour blind people have to purchase a colour TV licence? It didn't make it to the board.
- Do fish drink water, or whaEVER? It didn't make it to the board.
- Who invented the game of IT or tig or tag? I don't know either
- Why do we pull the face when we taste something sour?
- What is the difference between brook, stream and river?
- Why do push sprockets, gears on the right hand side? In the words of Homer Simpson: BORING!
- Can you record a smell? Duh!
- Phone boxes. Do they come in different colours?
- How is the art industry having to buy all the colors when just three colours (magenta, yellow, cyan) would do when mixed?
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