Thursday, 29 November 2012

29/11/2012 James O'Brien Show - I'm a Celebrity, The NHS, Mystery Hour

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1
  • James is reluctantly outraged by something that happened on I'm a Celebrity.  He thinks it borders on child abuse.
The heartbreaking clip

Hour 2

Hour 3

AUDIO: There's a free podcast for this hour
  • Is there any basis on the suggestion that if you are wearing coat indoors it makes it less effective when you venture outside?
  • What are the origins of the word "tattoo" when you're talking about the Edinburgh tattoo or the military tattoo?
  • What are the origins of the phrase "tying the knot" in reference to getting married?
  • Why do we lose our memories of what happens immediately before a car crash?
  • How do touch screens work? (as in smartphones)
  • In the UK you're innocent until proven guilty whereas in Europe it's the other way round. Has it ever been established which system is fairer?
  • Why are there 60 seconds in a minute? 
  • Is there a genetic guarantee that boys taller than their mother?
  • How long does it take the royal mint to print £1 million when implementing quantative easing?
Cultural references
  • Jay-Z's Guilty Until Proven Innocent

And James' obviously superior effort.  It's a shame that such talent has so far gone unnoticed by record companies.

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