Thursday, 22 November 2012

22/11/2012 James O'Brien Show - Gaza Ceasefire, Babies and Dogs, Mystery Hour

Click here to download the podcast (subscription required)

Hour 1

Hour 2
Hour 3 - Mystery Hour

Free audio podcast of this hour is available here
  • If stars die, how come astronomical studies appear to be the same?
  • Is there a restriction on the height of basket ball players?
  • Why do we refer to the mince meat pie thus when there's no meat involved?
  • Why do we teach kids times tables up 12?
  • What would have to happen for us to see things around us in slow motion?
  • Can the internet ever be turned off?
  • Can birds fly backwards?
  • Can an animal procreate with an from a different species?
  • Can a hair that's fallen off a dog grow on a human body?  Duh!
  • Today being Thanksgiving in the US, what happens to the two turkeys that President Obama will pardon?

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